Microsoft Access 2013 GUI App Created 2014 published 190526
In Microsoft Access 2013 it is very easy to create a sGUI to work with a database with help of Visual Basic.
I created an example that can be shown in figure 1:
Figure 1: Access 2013 database GUI in Visual Basic
First create a database, then choose "Create" -> "Form Design"
Design your GUI with Buttons and textboxes.
The current primary key is selected in the form property "Data"->"Record source" and can be a SQL statement like:
SELECT Tabell1.ID, Tabell1.namn, Tabell1.lname FROM Tabell1 WHERE (((Tabell1.ID)=2));
This is also the property that the buttons will change.
To create a full screen GUI you nedd to the this (also shown in figure 2)
first make sure to create a subrutine:
End Sub
then in the forms property set:
form tab:
Border Style to ‘dialog’
Set Auto Resize to ‘Yes’
set Auto Center to ‘Yes’
Turn off:
Control Box
Dividing Line
Min Max Buttons
Decide what to do with:
Record selections
Scroll bar
If you turn off "Close Button" you can not close the
app unless you use task manager and kill the process.
Figure 2: Forms property to be change to be able to create a full screen GUI.
Here is the visual basic code for the buttons: