A Simple ESXi Management GUI
This page is for education in PowerCLI and Powershell only. If you looking for a GUI you should probably use Vmware Workstation
or Vsphere client/web client to control your ESXi host. Vsphere client is freeware but can not support all function is Esxi 5.5.
You can do a lot of things to automate management of VMware ESXi hosts. I wrote a simple GUI as a demo on how to connect to
ESXi servers and control them. (Start/stop/Suspend).
As this is my private page I use freware tools like PrimalForms CE and Powershell ISE to write the program.
(For business I use Powershell Studio 2014 from Sapien)
You can run the script by typing this in a command window:
powershell -f ESXimanager.ps1
Remember to first to set sctipt permissions, normally done by:
(Look here for more info on Execution Policy).
The code can be downloaded here: ESXimanager.ps1